Rocky Hill Congregational Church
United Church of Christ
805 Old Main St.,   Rocky Hill, CT 06067   (860) 529-4167
an Open and Affirming church

Choirs of the Rocky Hill Congregational Church
Visit to Sweden hosted by Brännkyrka Motettkör

May 23-June 1, 2003

In May, 2003, 31 choir members, spouses, and friends traveled to Stockholm, Sweden, as the second leg of an international choir exchange with Brännkyrka Motettkör. In May, 2001, Brännkyrka Motettkör visited Rocky Hill.

This trip was partially financed by many fund raising activities, gifts, and grants from special funds of the RHCC. In addition, Brännkyrka Motettkör sponsored and hosted many events and meals, and we were warmly welcomed as guests in the homes of host families.

This site offers only a glimpse of the wonderful reception that we received. Click on the links below for areas of interest:

Our daily itinerary

Ascension Day service

The final concert

Brännkyrka Adventures

Photo gallery

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