April 6, 2008
Used with permission from UCC Coalition for LGBT Concerns

Different Ways We Read the Bible

Jonathan and Donna gave a program on the different ways that we read the Bible. 

Jonathan tells us that “The Bible is at the center of our Christian faith, yet how we were taught and how we choose to read it make a big difference in how it speaks God’s word to us. At the end of April, the ONA Committee will lead a discussion about just what the Bible says about homosexuality and Christian faith, but BEFORE we get to that particular issue, you’re invited to join in a presentation and conversation on Sunday April 6th, after worship, led by both ministers, on the more general topic of the different ways we each allow the Bible to have authority in our lives.

Is the Bible literally true, or are we called to interpret its teachings?  Is it literally true in some ways, but not in others?  Do the Scriptures speak God’s truth ONLY in matters of values, ethics and personal behavior, or ALSO about creation and history and the way God makes the world work?  On ANY issue, is there ONE truth or MANY?”

A DVD of this extraordinary and well-attened program is available in the Lending Library.  Please see the details here for the next program in the series.