Rocky Hill Congregational Church
United Church of Christ
805 Old Main St.,   Rocky Hill, CT 06067   (860) 529-4167
an Open and Affirming church

A Candlelight Service of Nine Lessons and Carols
December 11, 2005

Recordings are provided below for all musical selections, in MP3 format.

People, Look East, the Time is Near, arr. Waldrop
Hydom, Hydom, arr. Thompson
Jubilate Handbell Choir

Processional: Once in Royal David’s City
Congregation and Choir

Invitatory Carol: Rejoice and Be Merry, Rutter

First Lesson: O Lord God, From the Depths I Cry Out, arr. Hopson
Choir women

Second Lesson: Be Still, and Know That I Am God, Lantz

Carol: There’s a Woice in the Wilderness
Congregation and Choir

Third Lesson: Lo, How a Rose, arr. Praetorius

Carol: Return, My People
Choir and Congregation

Fourth Lesson: Creation Will be at Peace, Page

Carol: O Little Town of Bethlehem
Choir and Congregation

Fifth Lesson: Infant Holy, Infant Lowly, Buckwalter
Jubilate Handbell Choir

Sixth Lesson: Little Lamb, arr. Cherwin

Carol: Silent Night
Choir and Congregation

Seventh Lesson: Tiny Little Baby, Besig
Choir men

Carol: Angels We Have Heard on High
Choir and Congregation

Eighth Lesson: The Christmas Gift, Choplin

Ninth Lesson: How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds, Larson

Carol: O Come, All Ye Faithful
Choir and Congregation

Offertory: Raise the Christmas Hallelujah, Choplin

Recessional Hymn: On This Day Earth Shall Ring
Choir and Congregation

Postlude: Joy on Christmas Day
Will Kanute, Organ

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